PBP Stats Tracking

Merging play-by-play data with hand tracked data and tracking stats from NBA Stats

To access the site you will need to become a PBP Stats patron. Patrons will have access to all stats and be able to manually track stats in the manual tracking section and manually link shots to tracking shot filters.

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NBA Stats Tracking Shot Data

Tracking stats from NBA Stats with more detailed filtering options, for example, shooting stats when the closest defender was 2-4 feet away, the player took 2 dribbles before shooting, and they held the ball for 2-6 seconds before shooting. Game logs are also available for each filter

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Hand Tracking - NBA and WNBA

Current stats that can be hand tracked:

  • Whether a 3 point shot was a catch and shoot attempt
  • Whether a 3 point shot was wide open
  • The passer and pass location on catch and shoot 3 point attempts
  • The time remaining on the shot clock for 3 point attempts
  • The location of the rebounder on all live ball rebounds on missed field goals
Patrons are able to access the database with these stats and add to it themselves.

Total tracked shots: 27000

Total tracked rebounds: 7171

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NBA Stats Tracking Data

Tracking stats from NBA Stats organized to allow for querying game logs and team, player and opponent stats. Possession counts have also been added to get per possession stats.

NBA Stats Matchup Data

Matchup stats from NBA Stats organized to allow for querying game logs and season totals for each team vs opponent matchup